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Folkehuset Absalon

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søndag 11 feb 2024

Qi Gong – Workshop

16:00 - 17:30

A workshop where we lower the pace, release tension, strengthen muscles, stretch and massage the connective tissue and aim for flexibility, calm and well-being.

We do simple movements that can be slow, gentle, powerful, and dynamic. The practice is Lohan Hands Shaolin Qi Gong and not martial arts but related to ’Tai Chi’ and ‘Kung Fu’. The exercises are done standing or seated without equipment and to relaxing music.


Everyone can join and you don’t need any prior experience.
Mette will guide in danish and english if needed.


Our teacher 
Mette Sahl is a trained Qi Gong instructor and has special focus on adjusting the practice so that everyone is able to join.


All the best,
Mette Sahl og Absalon


Time: 16.00-17.30
Price: 100 kr.
Place: ‘Klubben’ on the 1st floor

Wear clothes that allow movement and bring water and a blanket. Bring your own mat if possible or borrow one in the room.

Let the teacher know if you would like to be guided in English.
Arrive in good time, we start on time.