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Folkehuset Absalon

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  • Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.
lørdag 10 feb 2024


13:30 - 15:00

Take your friend, partner, colleague or favorite family member by the hand and come to partner yoga.

You will most of the time do yoga with the support of your partner, who provides a sense of security so that you can get easier or deeper into the various positions. We’ll go through a series of classic yoga poses that are accessible and beneficial to everyone regardless of level – don’t expect acrobatics! We take it easy and stay down to earth – so everyone can participate. The workshop starts with a gentle warm-up and ends with a guided relaxation.


Come and experience both your partner and yoga in new ways!




Price: 200 kr. per couple.

Location: ‘Klubben’ 1st floor.

The class will be taught in Danish or English.